Easy steps to resize partition on Linux using btrfs filesystem

Easy steps to resize partition on Linux using btrfs filesystem
In this case we are resizing /home directory to extend / partition

step 1 : Reduce the 200 G from /home partition

#btrfs filesystem resize -200G /home

step 2 :- check the /home partition is reduced

#btrfs filesystem show df /home
#btrfs filesystem df /home
#btrfs filesystem show
# btrfs filesystem resize -200G /home

Step 3: –


#lvreduce -L -200G /dev/mapper/vg_XXXXXX-lv_home

Extend The root partition: –

#lvextend -L +200G /dev/mapper/vg_XXXXXXX-lv_root

#btrfs filesystem resize +200G /

#btrfs filesystem show
#btrfs filesystem df /
#btrfs filesystem df /home


There is no need to stop any process.

Identity Store Configuration — setting in EM

Identity Store Configuration — setting in em

Go to –>
Domain Name –> Right Click –> Identity Store Configuration –> then add the below property

1) user.login.attr    –> uid


3) virtualize –> true

4) CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS  –> oracle.security.idm.providers.stdldap.JNDIPool — This comes default


After adding the virtualize=true property,the side effect is that your domain logs may capturing a high value of libOVD

warning messages.

To prevent that unwanted messages perform the following the steps

Connect to the SOA domain:

connect(‘<admin user>’,'<admin password>’,’t3://<admin host>:<admin port>’)

Run this command for each managed server:

setLogLevel(target='<managed server name>’,logger=’oracle.ods.virtualization’,level=’ERROR:1′,addLogger=1)

Connect to the WCP domain:

connect(‘<admin user>’,'<admin password>’,’t3://<admin host>:<admin port>’)

Run this command for each managed server:

setLogLevel(target='<managed server name>’,logger=’oracle.ods.virtualization’,level=’ERROR:1′,addLogger=1)

**Restarts are not necessary.**

WebLogic Troubleshooting

WebLogic Troubleshooting

1) Inclidubg the time taken field in access.log
Console — lock & edit — Environment — servers — managed server — Logging –http– advanced — extended — format –and type

c-ip date time cs-method cs-uri sc-status bytes time-taken

save and activate changes, repeat the above procedure for all managed server
It will show you which pages or request taken longer time
2) Enabling verbose garbage collection logging

add the following parameter in server start argument
-Xverbose:memory,gc -XverboseTimeStamp

check the system load using $sar -q command and find the highest load and check at that .out log

Enabling verbose log without restarting server

$ps aux | grep Prod_server01 | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}

$jrcmd PID verbosity set=gc,memory
3) Taking Thrad dumps

The thread dumps can be taken from the administration console, shell or using jrcmd command

a)using administration console

console — environment — servers– servername — monitoring — threads — Dump Thread Stacks

b) using jrcmd

$ps aux | grep Prod_server01 | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}
$jrcmd PID print_threads some_log_file

c) Using Kill command
$Kill -3 PID

It will generate log file in default log file
4) Enabling JRockit Mission Control Flight Recorder

Add the following server start parameter


maxage and size value 0= unlimited
5) Analyzing Heap Dump

The heap dump can be performed using jrcmd command

$jrcmd PID hprofdump

Analyze heap dump using Eclipse memory analyzer (MAT)


6) Generating the deap dump automatically on OOM ( Out Of Memory ) conditions

add the below argument in server startup


heap file dump generating same like generating using jrcmd command


7) Recovering the WebLogic Admin Password

$ cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin
$. ./setDomainEnv.shell
start wlst

$cd $WL_HOME/common/bin/wlst.sh

run the following command

from weblogic.security.internal import BootProperties .BootProperties.load(“/oracle/Middleware/user_project/domains/PROD_DOMAIN/servers/PROD_Adminserver/security/boot.properties”,false)
prop = BootProperties.getBootProperties()
print “username: ” + prop.getOneClient()
print “password: ” + prop.getTwoClient ()

the usename and password will be displayed on the screen, using the same method we can recover the datasource password also